Saturday, March 3, 2012

Feb. 2012

WHAT?????????? February is over??????  I swear we just had Christmas...... Must be a sign of getting old because time is a flying.....  Elizabeth is officially 16 months old!!!!  The last few weeks she's had a runny nose and sounds like a freight train when she sleeps.  Unfortunately, that is not often.  It has been a rough few weeks.  Audie drove me to work a few times because he was worried I'd catch up on lost sleep while I drove to work.  I contemplated taking a nap during my lunch break.  I have about 45 minutes for lunch.... That would be a great nap..... So I looked around my classroom and realized there's not anything even remotely comfy.... Then I noticed my student tables.  They are about the size of a bed...Only thing that stopped me was the thought of the number of germs multiplying as I thought of my plan. YUCK!  Anyways, poor baby has been miserably.  I'm hoping we're on the up swing.  Of course it is worse at night, so I could be in for another fun filled night.  Literally, at times they are fun!  We play games, read books, take drives to McDonalds.... There's not doubt in my mind CPS will be calling one day saying "Mrs. Dills, I've received numerous calls that you are driving to McD's at unimaginable hours of the night getting a sweet tea and a cheeseburger with a 1 year old playing in the backseat.  What do you have to say to defend yourself?"  HMMMMMMMM not sure what I'll say except that sometimes it works (yes, unfortunately, it's only sometimes....).  Sometimes I pass a cop looking for those not following the laws and I think "if he wakes this baby up......." instead of 'please don't let me get a ticket'!

Elizabeth was quite upset today because she smooshed in what she thought were green beans into your mouth (which are her favorite).  You should have seen the look on her face as she made a terrible gagging sound and proceeded to spit out every last bit.... She looked at me as though "How did you ruin green beans, lady?"  Little did she know they were asparagus.  Guess she wasn't a fan today!  Last week she said "More,please, mamma" it was so cute!  She can say "I love momma" but it sounds like "iuvmamma". 

She was screaming for 'Wearwa' (Sara) the other day.  Sara was at work though so we called her cell phone and heard her voice for a minute then left her a message.  She's always calling for Gramka and gets so mad when we get in the car and don't go to his house.  The other day when Audie took me to work she realized when they got home my car was still Mamma must be home!  She banged on every door and yelled....Audie had to take her on a tour of the house showing her that I wasn't there.  She gets mad when I leave now.  She clings to me like a baby monkey.  Audie and I try to play some game to exchange her.  She always pushes the garage door button for me, waves, and is mesmerized by my car lights!  It's the little things in life!  It's so hard to leave her......

She started to say 'l' words now. She points to the light and says llllllllllllllllllllllllllight.  She gets the concept of 'on' and 'off', 'open' and 'close', 'up' and 'down'....... It's so cute!  Seems like she understands everything you say to her!  She'll go get her diapers, close the door, throw away trash, get her shoes, put on her coat..... all on demand.  She's such a great helper.  It's amazing the receptive language young children have.

She's basically obsessed with putting things on her head...... Anything can be made into a hat!  Pants, shirts, bibs, toys, boxes, books.... they are all hats!  She' s such a hoot!  She loves bows and clips, unless I actually put them in her hair.  She loves to put them in mine, and the baby dolls, but when I attempt to put them in hers you'd think I was torturing her! 

Elizabeth loves to gives kisses and always tries to 'be easy'.  She says sorry if she hits or knocks something over! She says 'peas' for everything..... It's hard to say no to a kid that says 'please'!

We've been lucky this winter to not have much snow.  BUT that also means we haven't got much wear out of E's snowsuit.  Finally, we had some snow on a weekend (I say 'some' but I really mean a 'light dusting').  Grandpa was outside with us and decided to make E a snowwoman.  E just stood and watched as Grandpa made the snowballs and formed a little snowwomen.  He gave it eyes and a nose.... E gave him a look like 'are you done? this doesn't look like it's finished yet' and he added arms and a hat..... Now that made it complete!  She just loved it!

Privacy, Please!

Taking care of business

You're going to need these now....


  1. Elizabeth you are too cute but..... please sleep for your mommy.
    Love Aunt Kay

  2. She really looks like you in the pic of her with the black pants onher head. I love the pic of Daddy kissing her. I Really like the story that she was yelling for me!! She is too sweet! Just love her :)
