Friday, July 6, 2012

June 2012

What a great start to the summer was June.  I'm sad to say 'was' though because I know all too well how quickly summer goes..............  : ( 
Newton Falls Car Show with Grandpa, Grandma, Daddy and Mommy.

June started with me cleaning up my classroom, having a few meeting days for school, then fun fun fun with my baby girl!  We made some changes at our house.  The dining room table was removed, new light put up and made into a play room for Elizabeth.  The living room was becoming the focal point and I didn't like that.... It was so 'busy'.... We brought the love seat into the play room, moved the china cabinet into the living room, moved some 'stuff' around, got rid of the two recliners and replaced it with a nice big comfy recliner for Audie that is heated and massages!!!! We then bought a small shelf for the kitchen, new kitchen table that is very tiny.....

And we bought one of the greatest purchases we've ever made.......A CARPET SCRUBBER!  I mean seriously, that thing is the best.... We had some stains on our nice cream carpet that I thought we'd never get out.... and Prest-O Change-O it worked.... It was so fun!  Elizabeth was a hoot with all the changes.  She likes everything to be in its spot and when we started moving stuff it threw her for a loop, she'd just look and look at it.... Then with the 'new sweeper' she'd follow me around and yell 'new sweeper, NEW SWEEPER'.  It was too cute! She hated that it left the carpet wet for awhile.  She assumed it was still wet hours and even days later 'All WET' she'd yell and not walk across the carpet. She was a statue!!!!
My two favorite people!

Elizabeth loves to sing... Lately she loves to sing ABCs, Rain Rain Go Away, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baby Baluga (which she says 'baby mooka' for some reason... too cute!), The Clean Up Song, Bye Baby Bye.... I could go on and on... she loves to sing.  She takes after her dad and is able to make up a song for anything.... SERIOUSLY!!!!!  She'll just start singing about me doing the dishes, or sweeping, or drawing..... even creates a tune to go with it. Too funny!
Audie and I were just talking the other day and I don't think we can count all the words she knows.  It's definitely in the hundreds.  She impresses us every day with her vocabulary and understanding of things.  She is still narrating everything she and others do.  Some of our favorite things she says are:
*Baby comin up (when she's trying to get on the couch with us).
*Baby no like (this is typically followed by food getting spit out of her mouth...)
*I yuv you momma, I like you too momma (she just melts my heart)
*NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (used quite often right now)
*Go-way mommy (she says it plain as day and it breaks my heart every time she says it.... I know I should be happy she wants to be independent (she says it when she wants to do something without my help) but GEEZE.... a nicer way would be appreciated! I've now been trying to get her to says 'no thank you, I can do it' instead)
*No, tank you. I can do it (read above....) She even says 'no tank you' when other kids are trying to hug her or do something she doesn't want, it's too funny! 
Like any kid she should not be left alone for any time... even enough time to take the dishes into the kitchen.
Innocent noodles...somehow ending up everywhere in the space of about 3 seconds!
Elizabeth loves to play outside and would spend every minute playing on toys or in the sprinkler. Here are a few of my favorite shots....
Elizabeth is quickly learning her shapes, thanks to Skippy Jon Jones Shape Up board book (I 'love' all books... but Skippy is so annoying to me, so it's fitting that she LOVES that book and Skippy..... Kohl's had the stuffed dog so I broke down and bought her one... she of course loves it and is already taking it for rides in the baby stroller. She knows the circle, diamond, star, triangle, and octagon.  It's crazy! She can count to 11. We are working on her colors, she loves to say everything is BLUE (I have no idea where she gets that from ; ) 
Daddy's little girl
She loves to pretend play and I think her imagination is wonderful.  She always says "I'ma _____." and inserts some animal and I say "you are?" and she makes the noise of that animal. We moved a play kitchen into the new play room and she LOVES playing with it. Her favorite thing is to make 'apple joooose' (apple juice) for mommy and daddy.  When she wakes up in the morning or from naps she plays and plays with her dolls in her crib, makes them talk, sings to them, and she always has to 'wap dem up' (wrap them up).
Taking her baby for a ride ; )

I could go on and on about how wonderful Elizabeth is and how blessed we are to have her and I could still never express the depth of our love.  The other days I was telling Elizabeth how much I love her and we were all snuggled up and I told her that one day she'd be lucky like mommy and get to have a wonderful kid, too... and she'd be a mommy (For some reason I'm always telling her all the wonderful things she'll do one day, she just looks at me with those big beautiful blue eyes and takes it all in) and she says "I have Nate-in".  I laughed and told her that Nathan was already Aunt Sara's little boy and she'd have a different one... She wasn't too convinced though. She thinks Nathan is 'hers'.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO precious!  (Hopefully she doesn't put Nathan in the car like she did her baby!!! We'll have to keep an eye on her : )  She loves playing with her cousins and just takes it all in and decides for herself what she'll be involved in.  Sometimes she's my shy little baby who wants 'momma hold you' and other times she's squealing at the top of her lungs (I mean as a soprano opera singer... breaking glass) and jumping right in. I love all the sides of her personality!