Elizabeth is now around 21 pounds. She now has her first top tooth. She loves to clap and is able to furniture walk. It is so adorable to see! She can't be happy with just crawling...she now 'bear crawls' and tries to stand on everything, no matter what it is!
She waves at everything and gets excited when you wave back. It was so cute because she actually waved to Audie out the window when she saw him..... She really seems to 'get' things. She came to the Relay for Life with me. She was so well behaved! She's able to play catch and can actually throw very well. I am impressed!
June is a great month because it is the end of school. I am so fortunate to love my job but also to have a job that I am able to be home in the summer. This time is like "extra" time and I just want to cuddle and hug her... I suppose we should 'do' some stuff too : )
Audie and Kirk worked on the deck and it is now finished on June 28th. We are planning a 74th bday party for Audie's mom so we're trying to get everything in order.
We had pictures taken of the 4 grandkids for Dad. It was very comical! She eats potatoes and green beans mashed up. She's a good eater, but isn't interested in feeding her self. I am still pumping but having trouble keeping up with her. I'll have to start supplementing with formula to keep her full. By the end of the month she has 4 teeth!
I love this picture of you and Elizabeth....you both look so happy and pretty!