Friday, December 30, 2011

Feb. 2011

What an exciting month!  A year ago I found out I was pregnant, now I have this beautiful baby!  I feel so blessed : )  At the end of the month Elizabeth weighs in at 15 lbs and 14 oz!  She is 25 1/2 inches long.  She's in the 91st and 92nd percentiles.  Such a  healthy baby! 

One of the most adorable things she does this month is she 'talks' in this whispery/airy voice... She just babbles away... It is so beautiful! 
I may have won "mom of the year" because I was lucky enough to get her first 'roll over' on video. It happened on Feb. 5th.  I was so excited to be home and taping when it happened.  She knew I wouldn't be able to take if she did it while I was at work.  It was so cute! Watch below to see if for yourself....
She just loves to play with her hands and feet. It's almost as is she's thinking "who put these wonderful toys right here for me to play with????"

She typically falls asleep in the bouncy while I'm in the shower.  She can't resist the sound!  As for the night.... the best way to describe her sleep patterns is that it's consistently inconsistent.  She 'typically' gets up a few times throughout the night... some nights it's only once or twice and she'll easily go back to sleep with a little rocking or walking... other nights : (  She'll be up for hours, need bottles, and lots of lovin : )  Audie and I believe her mind is so active and engaged at all times that she is unable to 'turn it off'.  You can just see those gears going at all times and I think at night she just can't seem to relax.  I hope she's able to work through this as I am such a great sleeper and LOVE SLEEP... Audie on the other hand is like Elizabeth and has never slept well (let alone now that he's hurt).  His mind races and can't seem to relax.  Me... well, sleeping is my forte!  Audie always says I'm like a sloth... you could drape me over a tree branch and I could sleep fine... I think he's right!  Oh yeah, and she seems to always poop at night........... and not only poop, but blow out of the diaper..... 

E loves the bath still.  She loves to play with Violet (the purple dog) and adores the exersaucer.  She can make rasberries and practices often... spit flies everywhere!  So adorable.....   She still has blue eyes and loves to catch glimpses of the TV  (Mom still says she can't watch TV : )

Unfortunately, this month is not all fun... Poor Audie has to have neck surgery on the 15th.  We are fortunate that we have family around so they can help with the baby.  Grandpa stayed with Elizabeth for two days while I was with Audie at the hospital.  All went 'well', although as with any surgery you're down and out for awhile.  He's such a trooper.  I hope Elizabeth gets his strength and endurance.  I take the Tues, Wed, and Thursday off.  Aunt Sara watches E on Friday so I can return to work.  The next week she stays with Aunt Kay and Landon.  Grandpa has her the next Monday and aunt Kay has her the rest of the week.  Of course it has to be at the most inopportune time for my work..... no other time then conferences... I feel terrible I can't be at home where I'm needed and even feel bad I'm not doing my best at school... mommy guilt is a difficult thing : (  Audie of course misses Elizabeth and it's hard for him not to hold her or go to her when he hears her cry.  She misses him too!  She did her best trying to adapt to having someone else watch her for about 3 weeks.  She's glad to have him back in March (although he probably shouldn't be watching her as he's not recovered).

She is now 4 months old and wants to crawl so bad... she's so determined and gets frustrated when she can't do what she wants. 

The Vermont Teddy Bear Audie sent me for Vday!

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