Today we woke up at 6:30 (well, Tessa and I did.... Elizabeth and Audie were already up at about 5:30 : ( The summer days typically consists of eating some breakfast (eventually), playing in the living room, playing in the girls' rooms, reading books, going to the store (I added that one because we must do it a lot.... at bedtime tonight, Elizabeth asked me why we didn't go to the store... "that's weird" she said.... so we must go often!), eating some lunch (grilled cheese is a favorite right now), taking a nap (somehow I don't seem to get one.... details, details), going outside to play, eating dinner, more playing, a bath, a story, and bed time....Could life get any better? I think not!
*had a great year of preschool, she went twice a week, she thinks she's a big kid now
*says 'ably' instead of 'able'.... it's too cute
*says 'long sleeves down' instead of 'short sleeves'..... it's also cute!
*when she gets angry she says she's not going to give any more kisses or hugs (she goes for the jugular)
*doesn't like bugs or dogs
*loves her little sister more than anything. Loves to tell her to repeat any word... they'll go at it for 20 minutes E: say dog, Tessy T: dadda
E: say bird, Tessy T: BEEEEEEEEE
E: say Elsa, Tessy T: El-Sa
E: say Anna, Tessy T: Ah-NU
E: say Mickey, Tessy T: MEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE
*it's so adorable to see them go back and forth!
*loved the Polar Express!
*loves to read and can't believe that I'm teaching her (I assured her I am a trained professional....)
*had a great first birthday! she loved her cake!!
*loves to talk.... she repeats anything you say
*learned to stomp her foot when she's upset (I'm pretty sure E taught her that : (
*Sings the Barney song "I love you".... her version goes like this
"I uv ou, ou uh see, were uh appy amiLEEEEEEE"
*after singing she expects you to clap and cheer, every SINGLE time. She loves it!
*she was not impressed with Santa... at all!
*Loves 'melmo' (Elmo)!
*loves animals
*Favorite word is NO
*Likes to pull Sissy's hair....
*When we put her clothes on her she rubs her shirt and says 'cuuuuuute' (cute)
*Loves to wear jewelry and says "pitty" (pretty)
*Yells for people.... "Momma, where R U?"
*Loves to eat Lo-Lo (yogurt)
*steals grapes out of the fridge.... sneaky little thing!
*she has the cutest ornery grin....... can't hardly be mad that she just did something she wasn't supposed to.....
Both of my girls are Daddy's Girls..... I don't see that changing anytime soon. They hear the garage door go up and go running to the door, banging on it, yelling DADDA!
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