So.................. I'm back.... it's a rare time that both girls are sleeping so I'm going to attempt to write a post... It will probably take me another month to finish cause I'm sure one will wake up soon and want to PARTY! So, in no particular order here are the new events....
At the Cleveland Zoo. We had so much fun looking at lions, tigers, bears, elephants, and her favorite, the koalas!
That would be her hair covered in mud after she went head first down the inflatable slide at the reunion. She got up and said "Woooooooooooooow!"
Sara, Nathan, Elizabeth, and I went to the butterfly garden in Alliance. So much fun and very educational!
That would be 8 months pregnant...... So I guess Tessa came along too, she was very well behaved ;)
We were very sad to lose Grandma Dills this summer. She has some lengthy extensive illnesses, but was such a fighter. There's no doubt she has a very special place in heaven. This was one of my favorite pics of her...not only because it was our wedding day and I owe so much to her for raising such a wonderful husband for me....but because we didn't even know if she'd be able to come because she wasn't doing well at that time, not only did she come, but she made sure to walk up to the family candles and light her side with my mom.... so special.
A BarBQue for Tessa. Elizabeth is pushing the boys around, literally :) The picnic was great and we celebrated Tessa getting ready to join our family!
Getting closer....
Elizabeth loves to paint and do crafts. She can do playdough for hours!!! She could do painting for hours also, but mommy can't :)
When I started back to school, Elizabeth started with a babysitter during the day, Miss Patty. She just loves her and Patty is very experienced and seems to be a good fit for Elizabeth.
At the fair!!!! 9 months pregnant.... I think I get bonus points for being a trooper and taking a 2 year old to the fair, after I started back to work....
Luckily, grandma and grandpa were there to help out. Grandpa had fun showing Elizabeth the animals and Grandma rode rides with E.
37 weeks!
*We had a very mild summer, which made for a pleasant pregnancy. Of course come time to head back to school it was sooooooooooooooo hot.... my non air conditioned room was like a sweat box for this pregnant lady ;) Elizabeth loved coming into my classroom to help mommy get my room ready for 'my kids.' I worked until October 1st..... then took off for my doctor appointment on the 2nd..... I was so excited to be able to sleep in that morning...but Tessa has other plans!
*Tessa Jacqueline Dills was born on October 2nd, at 8:07 am, we had arrived at the hospital at 7:55 am.... Interesting, huh???? So I started having contractions at about 3 am .... They would wake me up, I'd go pee, then I'd go back to sleep.... After awhile I realized I better start timing them as I was in a lot of pain during the contractions.... So I found some free app and started timing. I realized they kept getting closer and closer and were a full minute, it was all I could do to breath through them.... So I took a shower, got E ready to go to grandpas..... By this time it was about 6:45 am, I was hurting and nervous. Audie took me to hospital, we finally left about 7;30. The car ride was rough.... I started to feel like I needed to push ......Every time I pass Cotton Corners now I think about how I was about ready to have Tessa and it was all I could handle not to go crazy! It was 'rush hour' in Ravenna and traffic was stopped, we were at the light, but clear back on the bridge. I just kept thinking there's no way the ambulance could get to us faster than we can get to the I have to wait! We got up to labor and delivery and I was the crazy lady grunting in the hall, telling the nurse I felt like I needed to push ....I'm sure she thought I was nuts...... By the time I got in my room it was 7:55, I was pushing as they got the gown on me, doc joined us soon ... No one could believe I just got there. No IV, no vitals, no ultrasound , I skipped a few things. I delivered naturally at 8:07 am. It felt like I pushed longer than that, painful but at least it was fast! Emotionally I was a bit of a wreck..... It all happened so fast I was afraid something was wrong. But she was great, 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long. I was 39 weeks and 6 days! Audie and I are just amazed at what an angel she is. She was and still is just the sweetest little thing. Elizabeth came up that night to visit her new baby sister. She fell in love as quickly as we did. It was funny because Sara was up at the same time and when we gave Tessa to Sara to hold Elizabeth became upset and said "Give Tessa back to Mommy, Aunt Sara!" She did not like anyone but mommy or her holding the baby :) 6 weeks later as I write this she is still the same way. She is very protective of Tessa and has never told us to take her back or that she doesn't love her anymore. (Now as for Audie and I..... she's not been quite as happy with us. We've shouldered the brunt of those emotions :) Although, I think she's adjusting very well, it is still an adjustment and her fits are directed at mommy and daddy.)

Daddy's little girl!
Elizabeth immediately just loves Tessa so much! Sweetest thing ever!!!! Elizabeth was checking out Tessa s feet and said how did Jesus make these beautiful little treasures.....
Tessa wasn't impressed with her first real bath..... she had a few tears :)
Elizabeth decided she needed to try out the bath as well! oh boy
Just love these girls.
Elizabeth turned 3 on October 24th. We celebrated her birthday with a Doc McStuffins party. She loved her party and all of her presents. All her cousins got doctor kits to join in the fun. Click here to read about the party details!
Nana, Tessa, and me! Unfortunately, shortly after Tessa's birth Papa Ed passed away. He will be greatly missed and Elizabeth is sad to see him go to heaven..... She said that he can play with Grandma Dills in heaven.
Seth, Landon, E, and Nathan. Elizabeth loves princesses at the moment... LOVES them!!! As in we have to reinact one of the stories about every 5 minutes :) Her imagination is amazing, and never ending.... So if she doesn't answer when you call "Elizabeth" then just try "Arial"... or "Rapunzel"!
The beautiful Belle!!!!!
In the midst of all of this crazy family 'stuff', Audie has opened up an auto repair shop in Ravenna. He's taken over Anson's old shop, it's now called A and M Auto Repair. That has been hard to have him away as he loves to be with the girls but at the same time he's happy to be working on this new endeavor. It's a tough time to open a winter is coming and most are hoarding money for christmas, but it's going extremely well with all things considered. We're hoping the spring brings even more business!
We feel so blessed to have brought another sweet little girl into this world. Of course it's hard at times..... and sometimes mommy has to put herself in time out so no one will talk to her :) but I wouldn't change it for the world. I will be going back to work on January 6th and I'm sure that will be a huge transition and adjustment for all of us. With Christmas coming it's such a special time, Elizabeth is so excited to have Christopher, our elf, watching over us to report to Santa all the nice things we do :) We even found some toys that other kids might like and we're going to donate to them..... (anyone who has seen Elizabeth with her toys knows what a huge deal this is...... this kid LOVES her toys.....)
OK, babies are waking up and this post is way too long and I'm sure I forgot about a million things. Maybe I'll come back and update with some of my favorite Elizabeth sayings, she always has some good ones! I hope you enjoy your family as much as I do mine!