I'm sad to say we really haven't gone anywhere or done anything too special for the beginning of summer but I can't say I'm too disappointed... We've been quite busy, and I've been quite tired!
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Riding Bucky, Grandpa Terry's new pony! |
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Rocking at Cracker Barrel, favorite thing to do after church! |
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Memorial Day Parade 2013! |
E Quotes:
"Weenis" She picked this up from someone.... and will say "Daddy's name is Weenis." Problem is we can't quit laughing at her so she keeps doing it....we're in trouble!
"Say it with a nice voice, mommy." She gets this honestly as well.... I won't help her if she's using a mean voice with me.... so I'm always telling her "say it with a nice voice". At times I'll be so frustrated because we're running late, and I just want her to quickly do what I need her to do and I'm sure I'm barking at her and she'll say in that innocent voice "Say it with a nice voice, momma." How can I not smile??????
"I'm not very happy about that." When she's upset about something. Lately, she gets all mad if she gets hurt and just cries miserably. And she'll say "I no like Daddy." even if it wasn't Daddy's fault she got hurt.....
"Daddy is a grouchy wizard." If Audie gets after her she'll be so broken hearted and come to me so sad and say that daddy is being a grouchy wizard. Then she'll tell him to say sorry to her! ha!
"Balilla" As in "Eric's favorite cake is Balilla." We just love it because she speaks so clearly and doesn't distort many words, so it's kindda fun when she does :) We have her repeat this often!
So Elizabeth has some of the strangest fears.... for instance, have you seen a child afraid of the smoke alarm???? Literally, the ones in our house, specifically her room. I'm sure you're thinking that it went off once and scared her.... UH NO.................... it just sits there and that's it.... Just today when Nathan was leaving she said "Watch out for the smoke alarm!" as if it will come out and get him....
Bugs.... typically, Bees.... I get that one a little more than the smoke alarm thing. But of all things, I'm not scared of bugs at all, so it's not like I'm modeling it for her...She's always had her own mind though!
Being naked and changing her clothes...... Another odd one.... She hates to change her clothes in a different setting (even if it's behind a closed door, with mommy) or in front of people. Landon had his 3rd birthday party at the YMCA and they have a wonderful pool.... and she loves water.... and was so excited to go swimming. They even have 'family changing rooms' so her and I had our own room with a locked door..... 10 minutes later we emerged with mommy in her suit (to which she screamed when I put mine on........not because of my looks either....because of the fact I was changing my clothes!!!) and Elizabeth refused to change clothes.... so I walked her around, showed her all the fun stuff she could do when she got into her suit....showed her all the other people in their suites...blablalbalblalalbl another 10 minutes no luck..... So finally I tell her she can have someone else help her if she wants, so who does she say???? Scott.... Ok, like Scott really wants to help her get her suit on.....So she decides Aunt Sara can help her. Eventually she gets in her suit and has a blast. I could give you other examples of this but I think you get the point....which leads me to the next one.....
E has trouble with....Change.... So I've read enough books and seen enough little ones to know this one is a little more 'normal' (as if there's a normal with toddlers....) Most times she struggles with new situations. Frankly, I'm really proud of her though because I know how much it bothers her and stresses her out but she's really doing a great job handling it. She's already a Type A personality and likes things to be in their place and her to be in control. She's the kid who has to watch for awhile on the sidelines and see what all is going on, figure out how to do it, watch to see if Mom is smiling, wait a little longer.... then she'll try. She's been like this her entire life and I think she's getting better. The problem is the number of people who don't 'respect' that about her.... By that I mean most people have the best of intentions (I'm assuming) but for some reason think that they will be the magic person who will get her to change her personality and be the life of the party the moment she walks in the room. Really, what makes you think you have that power??? Ha! Seriously, kids like her, and there are many like her, need a gentle smile, a wave, and TIME. Trying to tickle, tease, pull, and manipulate these kids just make them take even more time. When they are comfortable they will join in. (Believe me...... those who know her know that given a little time she's just as crazy as the other toddlers.... but yep, she'll need some time in most cases!) Audie and I try to help her with this but at the same time I'm not trying to change who she is, just make her more comfortable with it. Frankly, I'm very similar. I hate new situations (make myself sick over them), meeting new people, going places I don't know.... stressful to me..... But obviously, I've learned to deal with it and work through that. My friends always laugh when I say that's how I am as most people see me with a strong confidence level and comfortable in most situations.... So I can understand her stress and I know she'll learn to deal with it as well.
Other exciting news lately..... Elizabeth had to get tubes put in her ears because of all of the fluid that would not scram..... She failed numerous hearing tests on one side for a specific range of sounds and this seemed like the best way to combat that. Of course it was very traumatic for all involved, but she did wonderfully. If you ask her she'll say "I cried. I didn't want to go in the white room." (that was the surgery room). But she did great! She had it done at Akron's Children's and anyone who's had anything done there knows how wonderful the staff is and how they treat you like your child is the cutest thing they've seen....What parent doesn't love that???? After the surgery was the worst, waking up from anesthesia and recovery. She threw up on me some and cried a bunch, the pitiful kind : ( But really by the next day she was doing well and back to normal. So she'll be wearing ear plugs around water until they fall out (within the next year) so looks like next summer we won't deal with them. She does really well with them though and once I talked her into them she is fine with putting them in each time now. She LOVES the water so I'm glad she's not refusing to wear them as that would take away a lot of her fun. We're lucky because Eric has a pool right next door and we can use it often.
She's always had her first visit to the dentist and had her teeth cleaned. She did awesome with that as well, although she'll say "I cried." And she did, but just at the end, frankly, I want to cry when I have to go to the dentist, too, so I was very happy with how she did. He said her teeth looked good and now she wants to count everyone's teeth :)
Her latest obsession includes being a doctor and Beauty and the Beast. The doctor thing comes from Doc McStuffins (a kid's show) and all her doc visits, she's getting very good at giving check ups. She loves to say "I have a diagnosis!" and then rattles off some funny word "a case of the dots" or "Hiccupitis" Lately, people have had to have their teeth counted a lot or surgery on their ears :) I'm hoping the doctor thing sticks.... Audie and I could use one in the family as we get older and older each day! Beauty and the Beast is a huge obsession. It all started back in the spring when we went to see the musical at the high school in the district I teach at. I wasn't sure how she'd do. I was going to be happy if she got through the first half..... My mom went with us and she'll tell you, Elizabeth was enthralled. She loved it, she made it through the entire thing!!!! Well, after that she wants to read the story, watch the movie, and reenact it all the time. She loves to have you be the Beast and 'tear the picture', and fight off the wolves, and lose his temper, and let Belle take care of him, then turn human. I push the doctor thing a little more than the Beauty and the Beast thing. Remember the yellow dress Belle wears? Remember the 'off the shoulder look' it has???? Well the other day she's pulling at the shoulders of her tank top so I ask her what she's going and she replies "I gotta be Belle, mom". OK......really????? already????
E loves riding her bike and is doing really well with it and the training wheels.
We went to Chuck E Cheese's and she thought it was heaven! She loved the little rides and blinking lights!
She's been working hard on making letters and spelling her name. Here she is making an E!