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Elizabeth making a snow angel! |
Here are some fun things that have happened in our family in the last 2 1/2 months (in no particular order.....):
*Mommy got a new car... seriously, a NEW one.... a 2013 Ford Escape..... Elizabeth will probably be driving it when she's 16 and will think it's a piece of junk..... but it is so nice.... I call it a space ship because it has so many 'new' features. Touchscreen with hands-free phone (Elizabeth has caught on and will say "Call Daddy" or "Call Happy" when she wants me to call someone because it puts it through the speakers and she loves talking on it! It hasn't learned to pick up her 2 year old talk though!). It has a navigation system, a million and 1 airbags, cd player (my taurus did not have one and I was always complaining about that), heated seats, automatic lift gate (you kick your leg under the trunk and it automatically comes up), keyless access, keyless start and tons of other things I can't think of.... It's so much fun! I love it and I can see well out of it!
*Elizabeth had the flu (maybe I should change heading at the top from 'fun' things to just 'things' that happened.....). The flu was definitely not fun. She threw up for about 3 days and had to be put on anti nausea medicine, which helped instantly. I did learn a lot though..... like assume the throwing up is not a one time thing.... take precautions or you'll be changing the bed sheet and your clothes again.....right about the time you are finished cleaning up from the first time : ) Poor thing she was so sad about throwing up. I taught her how to throw up into the bowl (when you're throwing up that much it leads to 'teachable moments' : ) She got to the point where she was like "No, mamma, I don't want the bowl, I never gonna throw up again, no never"..... then she's throw up again and she's cry and say "it no taste good".
*Elizabeth is very excited for the Easter Bunny to come this weekend. We have egg hunts around the house and she loves them. I'm surprised how well she can find them.
*Dad bought a little goat, named Itty Bitty. Elizabeth thinks it's hers for some reason. She keeps saying 'I gotta go feed Itty Bitty, I gotta go brush Itty Bitty.'
*Elizabeth loves to dance, not that she'll bust it loose around others but with Audie and I... OH boy!!!! Here she is at about 8 pm...... At the end she's talking about the new baby...cheetah, that is!
*Elizabeth is pretty much potty trained. She loves her Big Girl panties : ) She's not real interested in going #2 in the potty, she just brings over a diaper and says "I gotta poop in this diaper."...... I'll work with that for now..... She doesn't have many accidents and tells us when she needs to go. She does great in most public places, although I about have a heart attack thinking about all the germs.......
*E can count backwards from 5, knows lots of letters, loves to do puzzles, paint, sings songs, and reads lots of books.
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E loves to paint, especially her hand print. |
*She loves to eat macaroni and cheese, cheese, cauliflower and cheese, cheese puffs (notice a pattern????? she is her daddy's daughter for sure!). When we go to the grocery store she says "I want Colby Cheese, please". She doesn't mention anything about cookies or candy..... but cheese!
*Elizabeth's imagination is amazing... she typically makes up things about dragons, foxes, bees, spiders, mud, and frogs..... Her would go something like this: "Do you see any foxes in here? I'm going to catch one for you. We gonna jump over these frogs, don't get in the mud! I caught a bee, can you hold it?" She goes on and on....... I don't know where she gets it from!
*At night when we lay down to do our prayers she said "Dear God, thank you for everything." Then she proceeds to name each and every thing she can think of "thank you for happy, thank you for daniel, thank you for Kirby, thank you for cheese, thank you for toys......" Then she is able to recite The Lord's Prayer almost completely by heart. I just give her a few words and she finishes the phrases. My favorite is when she says "and deliber us from eagle" and "and the GLORRRRRY forever". I need to find a way to get it on tape..... it is the sweetest thing you've ever heard. She loves going to church and does a pretty good job sitting.... although I keep many snacks ready. She especially loves going to Cracker Barrel afterwards!
Elizabeth's Quotes:
"Yeah yeah yeah, that really happened" Not sure where she got this from but she says it all the time.......
"La-La Bears" for granola bars
"Oh, sure!" That's her response to most questions or comments.... even when it doesn't make sense!
"Mommy get me out of here!" When she wants our of her crib.....
"What are you going to do to me?" Anytime I try to do something or go somewhere and don't tell her first.
"What are you saying to me?" Anytime she doesn't understand what I'm saying.... she says it so confused, it cracks me up every time!
"I don't want Mee-Maw to see my stinky butt". Everything is 'stinky' to her, her stinky feet and her stinky butt especially...... she's so self conscious though.... the one day I needed to change her pants and she didn't want mee maw to see her butt.... Then another day we had our hot water tank go out and we had to go to Grandma's and Grandpa's to take a bath for her. Most kids would be excited..... She liked the idea at first, then she realized she was going to have to take her clothes off and someone might see her!!!! Seriously, she was all worried about it! Now at home it's a different story, she loves to run around naked..... so I guess it's good she's not like that every where!
"I put the kids in time out." That was her response to my questions "Did you play nice with the kids today (at daycare)?" So, needless to say, when I talked with the teacher, yep.... she was trying to give the kids a time out.
"Sit Down!" She says this with the sing language motion for it (they do it at day care).... so I guess she was telling the kids, very directive to 'sit down', of course because they weren't listening to the teacher as fast as she thought they should! It was hard not to laugh when the teacher told me she had to have a talk with her about letting the teacher be the teacher.... I gave the speech to her in a much more firm way and told her she cannot boss the kids around, because she's not the boss, the teacher is (to which she said "no, mamma, i'm the boss".... oh boy!) and I told her she won't have any friends if she bosses everyone around.... didn't seem to make an impact, the next week was when she was putting the kids in time out : ( Well, she gets it honestly.......
So our exciting news that we finally got to share this month is that Elizabeth will be a big sister. The new baby is due Oct. 3rd. E's birthday is Oct. 24th so they'll be 3 years apart. I think she'll be a great big sister (most of the time : ) She is still a little confused about the entire thing though.......When I point to my stomach and say "what's in there?" she says "A baby cheetah". (watch the video above...) Sometimes she'll say a puppy or a bunny........ oh boy! I keep trying to explain it's probably going to be a baby girl or a baby boy...HUMAN! When she saw the ultrasound on the TV the lady said "that's the baby in your mommy's belly" and she said "that's a big eyeball" Not sure when we'll know if it's a boy or a girl but we're excited for either!
As always, we feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family...... that will be growing soon! I've decided my new goal for blogging is every 3 months.... every month is too much for me..... I get to busy living life.... so see you in June : )